Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Dentist's office is my new home away from home...

Well it has been almost a whole month since I have shared anything on my blog.  I feel a little bit like my mind has been taken over.  I need very extensive Dental work done.  It has been shocking in many different ways.  BUT, it has to be done, and I will be brave!  My teeth are filled with decay, seem to crumble weekly, and have a bazillion cavities in them.  I have to get many root canals, bridges, and crowns.  It will be really expensive, but Dave's health insurance through his work is helping alot.  It took me a few years to get up the courage to just bite the bullet (well....that might break every tooth in my mouth), face my fears and just go in.  Ma went with me, and that helped tremendously.  I had an appointment last week, getting my gums checked out to see if there was any disease.  And luckily there wasn't anything I breathed a sigh of relief!
So I have 4 appointments for this month.....extraction time next Thursday.....I'm trying to keep myself positive about it, and just be brave enough to go through the pain.

So please pray for me if you read this, that would mean the world to me!

1 comment:

  1. Ew, the dentist! I will pray for you for sure, that's rough!
