Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Llamas ARE Tricky!

Well another Wednesday night has brought many laughs.  I think all these things in my head....and now I'm starting to think that no one else thinks the way I do.  I start to talk....and it all sounds normal to me...but seems to catch everyone else off guard.  I started off talking like this: "Llamas are really tricky"  and everyone started laughing....but I felt as though I sounded completely logical!  The other day I saw a Llama with only it's back in vision and it's head was it looked alot like a sheep.  My love for sheep gets crazier everyday!!
Today was great though!  My car has every single thing fixed so it's perfect!  I officially named it "Perfect Black".  I think there was a video game we used to play with Jared called Perfect Dark....many years ago.
Laura also sent me a message that made my whole week!  I sent Liam a few little gifts for his birthday, and i was so anxious to know if he liked them or not!  They were Cars themed, and I figured that was a safe bet!  And Laura said she asked Liam if he remembered me, and he said I'm his best friend!  Something so simple just makes me so happy!

I am dreaming of going to Alberta soon!

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