Well its been an okay couple of days. There has been some new interesting tv shows on, that I KNOW I wouldnt be able to watch if Dave was here. One was about a hair salon in Alaska (apperently sara palin had her hairdo "created" there), and it was fun to watch. I always enjoy watching Dr.Phil and that new show that Anderson Cooper has. There was an episode where he had his mom on his show, and they showed this "all about me" book he wrote in when he was 5. At the beginning it asks what color hair you have....and you color it in....and he checked off gray, and colored it in. I laughed my head off at that. I find when im by myself watching tv....I tend to yell out my own opinions. I dont really know why....but i guess if I feel strongly about something....I think out loud. I swear my landlords must think im a nutcase, and say "I wonder who laura's talking to.....theres no extra car in the driveway...hm...she sure laughs alot down there..."
But I know for a fact they arent the only ones who think im crazy. Ive joined a new small group this year as a leader. Last night was the third night.....and so far everytime I either answer a question or comment on something.......every single girl there laughs at me! For example, a question we had was "what is your passion?" and before I even could think....I blurt out "sheep!" and even I admit....thats not a typical answer! One of the other leaders Im paired with goes on to say..."I can name 3 of laura's passions :Sheep, Pepsi, and Dave!" So if that doesnt make me sound crazy....I dont know what would!
I found out tonight that Dave gets back on Saturday, so now I wont be so lonely at home (the only person who's been "over" is Jillian Micheals...and she's mean....and yells at me). Dave also told me tonight that he really wants a chainsaw for his birthday. We dont have a yard....not even one tree that we own. But once that boy gets an idea in his head...its hard to get it out!
Hi Laura, you make me laugh... and I totally know what you mean about your guy getting something in his head. We don't have a tree or a yard either.... but we have a weedwacker.