I have started a journal of writing down little things that make me happy during the day. Just simple things that make me smile, or make me feel joy. Its been fun, cuz now I sorta have an eye out for the little things....so I'm more observant. I think it will be fun to look back on it, and see if the things Ive written down still bring me joy. I live in an area where there are things everywhere that make me happy! I have a few examples: "I love when I see animals all together, like they are friends"
"My Mom loved my homemade chili" "a customer called me his favorite girl"
Most of the things I write down are about sheep that I see on my road. I am completely obsessive about them!
On Saturday night I went to a Keith Urban concert in penticton with my parents, Amanda and Ryan, and Ryan's sister. I had so much fun, and I wanted to share a few things that made me very amused!
1- I saw a girl wearing white and pink cowboy boots.....we knew she wasn't a real cowgirl!
2- There was a big group of guys and girls a few rows up from us, and they all danced together, and held onto each other and sang to each other (we assumed they were dating). Then they left to go up front, and 2 of the guys came back with 2 new girls, and danced with them and sang to them! Ha ha!
3- We were cheering and then something came over me, and I screamed my head off......and I couldn't stop laughing! Ryan's sister joked that she heard me where she was sitting.
4- There was a guy on our left, that kept doing drum solos...and guitar solos at random times.
The streamers!! |
5- Right at the end they had confetti come down from the ceiling, and it went everywhere. And then there was streamers that fell in just 2 spots, and everyone sitting there was tangled up completely! I screamed and laughed at the same time, I just couldn't help it!